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[edgtf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#3f6557″ background_color=””]O[/edgtf_dropcaps]ur Photos Videos (Gay) Pride Week Amsterdam 2017 – The team of this year’s Gay Pride Week of the Dutch capital had a difficult task to solve. Why? Well, since 2016 was the year of the Euro Pride in Amsterdam with a whole month full of activities, events, and more than 560.000 guests from all over the world, the expectations to organize an impressive LGBTQ+ Pride Event were set high. You wanna know how we rate the (Gay) Pride Amsterdam 2017 in our home city? We loved it. And we are talking not only about the world famous Amsterdam Canal Parade.
It all started a week before when more than 7.000 rainbow colored people walked hand-in-hand full of pride as Pride Walk through the city center of Amsterdam equipped with posters, rainbow flags, dancing and singing to the Vondelpark, the biggest green area of Amsterdam, to celebrate the Pride Park as opening event for the Gay Pride 2017. Additional to that, a whole week was planned to talk about
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]the LGBTQ+ community, equality, and to show where and why we still need to stand up for equal rights and against discrimination. This year we took our time to walk through the crowd and capture the diverse and colorful people of the Pride in Amsterdam in two photo galleries. But of course, we also included a picture gallery of the rainbow colored Grachten, canals, and boats of the Gay Parade. Enjoy our experiences of the Gay Pride Week Amsterdam 2017 and see the capital of the Netherlands during Pride through a couple of men‘s eyes.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
“This is my Pride” – Gay Pride Amsterdam ’17 without “Gay”
Under the motto “This is my Pride” thousands of people celebrated one of the biggest and most colorful Gay Pride events worldwide in Amsterdam. And so did we together with lots of new and old friends from all over the world. Gay Pride 2017 started for us already July, 29th when we walked together with estimated 7.000 people the so called “Pride Walk”. Just one day later, we took the chance of the sunny summer weather to attend the Milkshake Festival, a two-day music and dance event in the heart of Amsterdam at Westerpark. A great opening weekend for an exciting and eventful Amsterdam Pride Week 2017! Oh btw, this year the Gay Pride Amsterdam changed its name to “Pride Amsterdam” to stop excluding LBTIQ+ people starting with the name of the Event. The (Gay) Pride Amsterdam in 2018 will take place July 28th to August 5th, 2018!
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Highlights of the Pride Walk Amsterdam & Pride Park 2017
It was the 5th edition of the annual Pride Walk Amsterdam in 2017 with the same route like last year starting at Homomonument/ Westerkerk walking along the Rosengracht towards the Vondelpark. In memory of the first demonstration on the Christopher Street in New York, the Pride Walk was initiated just 5 years ago. Together with the first Youth Pride for LGBTQ+ people up to the age of 26 years, we consider this demonstration as the most authentic pride demonstration in Amsterdam during Pride. After arriving at Vondel Park, the colorful crowed had the chance to relax in the biggest park of Amsterdam, play gay-friendly games in Volleyball, Footballs, Rugby together with like-minded LGBTQ+ sportsmen and women and get the newest information about the gay-lesbian-trans-bi-plus community of Amsterdam and the Netherlands. The weather turned into a sunny cloud mix after a rainy morning. The concert at the main open-air stage was for free and so hundreds of not only gay people enjoyed a relaxed day in nature. Enjoy our after-movie of the Pride WalkAmsterdam 2017:

Our 1:30 minutes video of the Gay Pride Walk Amsterdam 2017
International Queer & Migrant Festival 2017
Already on Tuesday, August 1st, 2017, it was time to gather at the cinema DeBalie close to the Leidseplein to attend the 3rd International Queer & Migrant Festival. Together with friends, we watched the Gay Short Movie “Scar Tissue” with our Daan as Johan falling for the Syrian refugee Sami (played by Noah Valentijn), who is challenged to get used to the new, free and gay-friendly environment in Amsterdam and getting caught up by his past in Syria. But this was just the beginning of the night. Followed by an intense discussion about the movie, LGBTQ+ refugees and how the director of the movie Nish Gara, the producer Martijn Krediet, and Daan as an actor could handle and work with the sensitive but most of the times the invisible topic of lgbtq+ refugees during the making process of the movie. Afterwards, we saw the German documentary about the Gay Cruise with La Demence “Dream Boat” for the first time. Why is that so special for us? Because we attended exactly that cruise around South Spain last June. It was an intense but fantastic night and we cannot wait to board The Cruise with La Demence in 2017 again!

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Friday Pre-Pride at Homomonument: Drag Olympics 2017
Unfortunately, we had to work during the week. Therefore, it was not an option for us to participate at the Pride at the Beach Event from Monday until Wednesday during the day. But that was not a problem for us at all. Just a good motivation to take the Pride Week 2018 off from work. 😉 Our next highlight of the Pride Week 2017 was the popular Drag Queen Event “Drag Olympics” on Friday, July 4th at Homomunment. And even though it was the 13th edition, it was a spectacular event with a great after party and hilarious “sportive” moments of the beautifully dressed Drag Kings and Drag Queens of Amsterdam and the Netherlands. Enjoy our after movie of “Drag Queen on the run at Drag Olympics 2017″:
(Video Drag Olympics will follow tomorrow)[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][vc_column_text]
Our Video & Photo Gallery of the (Gay) Pride Amsterdam 2017
But now it is time for the biggest event of the Pride Amsterdam 2017, the Canal Boat Parade starting at the area around the Scheepvaart Museum over the Amstel River and the Prinsengracht towards the Westerdok. We had the chance to see the canal parade from a boat on the Amstel River and follow the colorful dressed floats and boats later on along the Prinsengracht. So much color, so many happy, proud and smiling people, so many smaller spontaneous parties along the parade route and we were in the middle of those thousands of people celebrating love, peace, and harmony together with everyone. The annual Canal Pride Event was held in 1996 for the first and was always meant to be a celebration of equal rights. We really enjoyed the time together with gay-friendly people during the street parties. And instead of focussing on the boats only, we took pictures of the colorful, gay-friendly, and diverse people of the Pride Amsterdam 2017. Enjoy our video and photo gallery of the Canal Pride Amsterdam 2017:

Click on the pictures for the full-size version!
Our 1:00 minutes video of the Canal Pride Amsterdam 2017

Click on the pictures for the full-size version!
Our favorite photos of the Canal Pride Parade Boats 2017
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Our Gay Pride Trips Worldwide
To gay travel for Gay Pride Events worldwide is always a special reason to leave our gay-friendly country the Netherlands and its capital Amsterdam. Not everyone is as lucky as we are to live together with friends and an open-minded family like we do. A good example why we still need a gay pride was our first gay pride trip in 2017 to Estonia to the city of Tallinn. After visiting the Gay Pride festivals in Tel Aviv (Israel), Helsinki (Finland), Jasper (Canada), San Francisco (USA) and, of course, Amsterdam, it felt very special to stand up for equality where it is still not part of the daily life, although LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. Do you know any LGBTQ+ festivals we should definitely not miss, drop us a line! We would be proud to attend another Gay Pride Parade around the world.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][edgtf_button type=”outline” size=”large” text=”All about our Gay Pride Trips worldwide >>” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#a8d1a1″ border_color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ link=”https://coupleofmen.com/gay-pride-trips/”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]
Party after the Canal Parade 2017 at Westerkerk/ Homomonument
And of course, the party wasn’t over with the last boat of the boat parade on the Prinsengracht. We made our way all the way to the Westerkerk and Homomonument to meet up with our friends to have one or two beers, dance in the afternoon sun and remember the LGBTQ+ people all over the world who died for who they are and how they were born. Interesting side-fact: this year Amsterdam is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Homomunment in 2017. Nevertheless, gay activism will always be a huge part of our travels as gay couple travel blogger to bring love everywhere we go to face discrimination, violence against the LGBTQ+ community and to fight for more rights like same-sex marriage.

Click on the pictures for the full-size version![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
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Sunday after Pride Amsterdam Week 2017: Dancing at Rosario
The Pride Weekend 2017 was not over yet. After dancing the night away at Bear Necessity, one of the dozen gay parties in Amsterdam, we had one last thing on our list we really wanted to attend: Rosario – Gay Pride XXL – Festival Edition at the Tea House at Vondelpark Amsterdam. What a fantastic atmosphere in the green garden of Eden … pardon … of Amsterdam with great music, a bouncer castle, and a mixed crowd of Dutch people and internationals from all over the world. Thank you, to the team of Rosario. We are already looking forward to participating the next edition of your fabulous party series.

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Our Photos Videos Gay Pride Week Amsterdam 2017
The (gay) Pride Week Amsterdam 2017 exceeded our expectations. Lucky us, we can call Amsterdam, one of the most gay-friendly places in the world our home. The country that allowed at first same-sex marriage and the total equality of same-sex couples including adoption is a livable city for everyone. Unfortunately, violence against LGBTQ couples are still happening, even in the Dutch capital. But knowing the police and government as an ally, you can plan your gay travels to the Netherlands and Amsterdam without any hesitation.
Wanna know more about our gay travels? Stay tuned and updated on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. See you in Amsterdam or somewhere around the world!
Karl & Daan[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
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Kevin Twitty
Saturday 12th of August 2017
Such a fun time meeting you gents and celebrating pride! Much love! Until next time! www.twoenroute.com
Daniel Alaniz
Thursday 10th of August 2017
Soy argentino, quisiera conocer y ser libre , soy gay , y estoy muy orgulloso de serlo, quiero encontrar a verdadero amor (Eng: "I am Argentinan, I would like to be free, I am gay, and I am very proud to be, I want to find true love")
Thursday 10th of August 2017
We are sending all the love we have from Amsterdam! <3