Vote and stand up for your freedom! Travesty for Germany Drag Election Posters calling for a Change – It is time again for Germany to vote for the members of the German Federal Parliament and a new, bright, and inspiring future. We all know about the threats to Democracy, LGBTQ+ life, and freedom coming from the right-wing populists. The 2017 elections in Germany are just a part of a whole mindset to raise the voice against fear, populism, and terror. We all can make a change by actually voting on September 24th, 2017. But your duty to protect our human rights given by the constitution doesn’t stop after putting a cross on a ballot. We have the power to be brave and to make the choice for freedom, peace, diversity, equality, and love together.
The team of the fictional party “Travestie für Deutschland” with the well-known drag queen from Berlin, Jacky-Oh Weinhaus, art director of the initiative Matthias Panitz and copywriter Alexander Winter are doing it in a totally different way with art, satire, humor, and of course, Drag. As a result of their creativity, the people of Berlin, Germany can find genius election posters all over the city. We as gay couple travel bloggers would like to show you our favorites of these extravagant creations that will make you hungry to vote for composure, democracy, freedom, and peace not only in September in Berlin but also in your home country every day again.
About the Initiative “Travesty for Germany” (TfD)
Why was the initiative “Travesty for Germany (short form TfD)” actually founded? The message of the TfD art campaign for the 2017 election in Germany is clear: Travesty for Germany wants everyone to go and vote. But more important, Jacky-Oh Weinhaus, together with her team, wants to set an example to raise the voice against xenophobia, homo- and transphobia, misogyny, and all its sub-levels IN EVERYDAY LIFE. If you will, a clarion call for action in and outside the LGBTQ+ community, empowering everyone to stand up for their human right to be who they are. One reason is the new right-wing party Alternative for Germany (short AfD). The AfD repeatedly calls for repressing refugees, homosexuals, and single parenting, and is even against the energy revolution. Something every German should be apprehensive about. The following posters of the fictional party “Travesty for Germany” show how a diverse, colorful, and respectful Germany is much more than a repressive life of fear, anger, and violence.
8 Travesty for Germany Drag Election Posters
Poster #1: Jacky-Oh Weinhaus is the chairwoman of the fictional political party “Travestie für Deutschland”. She is an active voter and encourages everyone to vote during the elections for the German Federal Parliament. But more importantly, she is trying to open up everyone’s eyes to see the danger of populism emanating from right-wing populism in Europe and worldwide.
Poster #2: Another well-known drag face of the election poster campaign is Jurassica Parka, one of the most famous drag queens in the German capital Berlin.
Poster #3: The next beauty to be in on the campaign is Absinthia Absolut. She loves Silk & Brocade more than stupid Nazis.
Poster #4: There are people out there living in fear of people identifying themselves as transsexual. The beautiful Kaey tries to still those scared people’s fear.
Poster #5: Sometimes a more clear statement is necessary to understand the need and right of being who they feel like. Gisela Sommer knows how to say it, politically correct, of course.
Poster #6: Her heritage makes Osh-Ree sensitive about what is happening around the world right now. In her opinion as a Jewish immigrant, we should not forget about our own past.
Poster #7: Sometimes the small things in life make a change. For example, the way trans people (have to) choose the appropriate toilet. Polly Puller is peeing standing up.
Poster #8: Drag and Travesty are part of Germany as they should be part of our societies. Bambi Mercury as a performer knows what she is talking about.
Karl & Daan in Drag during The Gay Cruise by La Demence
Essential Websites: “Travesty for Germany Drag Election Posters for a Change”:
– Website TfD:
– Facebook TfD:
– Facebook Jacky-Oh Weinhaus:
“Die Freiheit führt (immer noch) das Volk an” – Together we stand, divided we fall. Picture by Steven P. Carnarius
Anavien Naknak
Friday 18th of August 2017
Fiona Cobban Anne-Marie Cobban Donna-Louise Cobban
Fiona Cobban
Friday 18th of August 2017
Jacky-Oh Weinhaus
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
Travestie für Deutschland
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
Merci beaucoup!
Karl Krause
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
<3 Sam Jones, Jacky-Oh Weinhaus, Steven P. Carnarius, Absinthia Tulosba, Bambi Mercury, Lea Meyer-Leergut, Glitter Blinker, Michau Poplawski, Maximilian Pilling, Lukas Winkler, Hardy Ekhorn, Matthias Panitz, Kaey Kiel, Ben Fayershtain, Arie Oshri, Martina Minette Dreier, Matthew Peach <3