Our Baltic Pride 2017 Tallinn Best Powerful LGBTQ Photos – From Soviet Suppression to Powerful Diversity in 2017, or, why do we still need a Baltic Gay Pride Parade in Europe? If you are really thinking that is an appropriate question in 2017, you are right, at least in the first place. But as you might know, not every LGBTQ+ person living in a European country has the privilege to live a free, out-of-the-closet life like gays lesbians, queer, bi, or trans people in Amsterdam, London, or Madrid. Queer people living in the Baltic States Lithuania, Latvia, or Estonia, for instance, are facing homophobic threats every day. They desperately want to be who they are, living a life they want to live, being able to love who they want to. Therefore, this year’s Baltic Pride under the motto “United – together in the past, present and future” took place in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
– in collaboration with Visit Estonia –

Celebrating its 9th edition, Tallinn Pride 2017 was the first LGBT Pride Parade in 10 years since it was stopped because members of the LGBTQ+ community have been pelted with eggs, tomatoes and have been physically attacked and beaten up by counter-demonstrators during the parade in 2007. However, Karl and his best friend Sven traveled to Tallinn to support the Baltic Pride Gay Parade, to talk to the LGBTQ+ community and get a feeling of how it is to gay travel to Tallinn and Estonia. And let us tell you already right now, the Tallinn Gay Pride Parade 2017 was a great success and exceeded all expectations of the organizers, the over 1800 participants, and us gay travelers from Amsterdam. Enjoy our best rainbow photos, videos, and LGBT stories of the Baltic Pride 2017 and see the rainbow-colored Tallinn Pride Parade & Festival through a couple of men‘s eyes.
The Highlights of the Baltic Pride Gay Pride Week
We were proud and motivated to attend the Tallinn Pride Parade. However, the joined forces of the Baltic and Tallinn Pride organized much more than “just” the parade through the old town part of Tallinn. Throughout the whole week starting Thursday, 6th July 2017, a variety of different events took place throughout the city of Tallinn. The opening ceremony with a movie screening and the opening of the photo exhibition “Who is this Wo/Man” gave us the opportunity to connect with the organizers and members of the Estonian LGBTQ+ community in a relaxed and open-minded atmosphere. The next days can be summed up with further movie screenings, the LGBTQ+ conference under the motto “United – together in the past, present and future” mostly in Estonian language, and the warm-up party event on Friday. We enjoyed the positive and energetic atmosphere all over the city and among gay people from all over the world. But still, we have been more careful and attentive about who and how people crossed our way to get a feeling of how gay-friendly Tallinn, Estonia is for LGBTQ+ travelers.

The 9th Edition Baltic Pride 2017 – Gallery 1
The organizers of the 9th edition of the Baltic Pride in Tallinn expected approximately 300 participants to join the Gay Pride March through Tallinn. When we arrived at the gathering location at Viru Gate on Viru Street, we were speechless! More than 1.800 people dressed in rainbow colors and equipped with self-made posters, banners, and music waited around the tiny Musumägi Park to walk together and show pride for those who can’t. It was a fantastic feeling to be part of those proud people. The majority was thereby from Estonia, as one of the organizers explained to us later. Flags from all over Europe but also from Canada and the USA were among the demonstrators coloring up the Viru Street in the southeastern part of the old town center of Tallinn. At 2:30 pm the Gay Pride Parade crowd started to move dancing, singing, and seriously proud to overcome the trauma of the last Gay Pride Parade in 2007.

Powerful LGBTQ+ demonstration in Tallinn – Gallery 2
The gay pride route starting from Viru Gate to the Vana turg where we could catch a glimpse of the town hall of Tallinn in front of the Restaurant Olde Hansa. Marching further on the narrow Kuninga Street, we reached Harju Street with a wonderful view over the Niguliste church and Harju Street Park. Before turning right towards our final destination, we passed by The War of Independence Victory Column at Freedom Square. Just some minutes later, we reached the square in front of Kino Sõprus where we enjoyed the free open-air concert talking to participants of the gay pride and danced to celebrate the successful Tallinn Gay Pride 2017.

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Tallinn & Estonia need a Gay Pride! – Gallery 3
After the disastrous Tallinn Pride Parade in 2007, this year’s Pride was a total success, not only because of the sunny and warm summer weather. We as part of the marching demonstration witnessed no physical violence, no tomatoes or eggs, and just a few counterprotesters. The police and security along the route did a fantastic job without disturbing the peaceful pride march. Because of that and all the love we encountered from the people we met during the Gay Pride week, we truly enjoyed the Baltic Pride 2017 and hope for the 10th edition in Riga in 2018 to be at least as colorful, peaceful, and respectful as the Tallinn Pride. And who knows, maybe we will be part of the Pride March in Riga, Latvia for Baltic Pride in 2018. Happy Pride 2017!

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The joined forces of Baltic Pride – Gallery 4

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Baltic Pride in Tallinn: Best Powerful LGBTQ Photos
The Baltic Pride in Tallinn was a total success, regarding the disaster of the Tallinn Pride in 2007. And still, we are facing the question of why we still need gay pride in 2017 in some parts of Europe and the world, while in other parts, the biggest problems seem to disappear. But is this really the case, or are we just too comfortable with our allegedly current status? We will come back to this question by talking about gay pride travel worldwide in another context. However, we hope you enjoyed our photo travel story of the Gay Pride in Tallinn! Leave a comment if you have been there or need the picture in a bigger resolution. Thank you, Visit Estonia and air Baltic for making this gay travel to Tallinn possible. Nevertheless, our opinions, videos, and photos are our own, as usual.
Do you want to know more about our gay travels? Stay tuned and updated on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. See you in Estonia or somewhere around the world!
Sven & Karl & Daan.
Karl Krause
Friday 14th of July 2017
What a colorful trip back to the roots of gay pride demonstrations. #superherogays <3
Tuesday 11th of July 2017
Thank to let us particiapte. You made a great job!
Karl Krause
Tuesday 11th of July 2017
Thank you, Hans-Georg! It was a very interesting gay city trip to Tallinn. And this blog post was just the first one, more to follow soon.