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[edgtf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#3f6557″ background_color=””]E[/edgtf_dropcaps]quality by 2019: Same-Sex Marriage Austria – For many of you, and even for us, this great news coming from Austria feel like an early Christmas present, especially for the LGBTQ+ community of the European country Austria. The Constitutional Court of Austria decided today that by the beginning of 2019 same-sex couples will be allowed to marry in the alpine country. After Germany this summer, the next European country will get marriage equality, although some time and patience is still needed.
After the elections in October 2017 where the conservatives of the ÖVP (Austrian People’s Party) are about to form a coalition with the far right-wing populist party FPÖ (Austrian Freedom Party), Austria’s Constitutional Court rules now that any differences between same-sex and straight couples are discrimination that has to end by the end of 2018. Conversely, civil partnerships that have been introduced in 2010 as an alternative for same-sex couples, will then be open to straight couples, too. Congratulations to Austria and the LGBTQ+ community around the alps for Same-Sex Marriage Austria and for doing so many antidiscrimination steps forward today! #lovewins
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Same-Sex Marriage Austria by 2019!
How did it actually happen? The story begins with two lesbian women from the Austrian capital Vienna who wanted to get married. But the city of Vienna and the administrative court refused to give permission to their marriage request. Austria’s Constitutional Court now followed up their complaint examining a law from 2009. Today, 5 November 2017, the ruling was published stating, that any same-sex marriage restriction has to be repealed. Now, the new Austrian government has the option to wait until 2019, or just implement the changes already earlier. In a statement, Austria’s Constitutional Court said,
“the distinction between marriage and civil partnership can no longer be maintained today without discriminating against same-sex couples,” and that keeping the two institutions separate suggests that “people with same-sex sexual orientation are not equal to people with heterosexual orientation”.

Karl & Daan in their Lederhosen in the Alps | Lederhosen Tips Traditional Austrian Garments © Coupleofmen.com
Our Trip to Southern Austria in Summer 2017
Is Austria actually a gay-friendly country? We were lucky to attend the 10th edition of the Pink Lake Festival in the south Austrian state Carinthia this summer together with hundreds of gay guys, lesbian girls, trans- and bisexual people coming from all over Europe. And we loved it there! Getting some traditional Lederhosen, exploring the cities of Klagenfurt and Velden, hiking over the Alps, relaxing by the turquoise blue Lake Wörthersee and celebrating Gay Pride on a Lake Cruise… We experienced that southern and sunny part of Austria as a very welcoming, inviting, delightful but traditional spot nestled in the beautiful mountains of the Alps. We did not experience any discrimination by the people there, although the local LGBTQ+ community wishes to be more accepted, treated more equally. Until now, Austria is not considered to be the most gay-friendly country in the world, but that might be just about to change. We are crossing our fingers hoping the best for everyone in Europe! We hope to be back soon, maybe for Vienna Pride or the next Pink Lake Festival in 2018!
Our “Lederhosen” Tips for Your Traditional Austrian Garments
O’zapft is! The #Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany has started! Until 3rd of October, the “Wiesn” is inviting people from all over the world to taste German beer and eat the popular weisswurst (Bavarian veal sausage). 🐻🌲🍺
You need some tips for your traditional garments? Enjoy our video and article on our blog! #coupleofmen 👬🍻
Posted by Couple of Men on Sunday, 17 September 2017
Congratulations to the Austrian LGBTQ+ community!
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More Gay Pride Trips from all over the World:
- Our Gay Travel Guide to Carinthia, Austria >
- All about the Pink Lake Festival in Southern Austria >
- Gay Travels to the Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, Israel >
- Trip to the Finnish capital for Gay Pride Helsinki, Finland >
- Winter Road Trip Alberta for the Gay Pride Jasper, Canada >
- Finally! Germany is 24th country. Yes to Marriage Equality in Germany >
- All about our rainbow moments at (Gay) Pride Amsterdam 2017 >
- Check our list! All our Gay Pride Trips worldwide in an overview >
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Gay Travel News on a map
Same-Sex Marriage Austria by 2019
Stay tuned for recent developments in same-sex marriage around the world on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram. See you next time in Austria or somewhere around an equal, rainbow-colored and free world!
Karl & Daan.
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Mike Est
Wednesday 6th of December 2017
Noel Leon
Wednesday 6th of December 2017
Anyway im happy for Austria
Martin Hinterndorfer
Tuesday 5th of December 2017
Dokas Kristofer Constantine
Tuesday 5th of December 2017
I love Austria then
Marcelo Boudon
Tuesday 5th of December 2017