Our First Book: Couple of Men – Ein Männerpaar reist um die Welt
GERMANY: The first LGBTQ+ Travel Book Couple of Men – Ein Männerpaar reist um die Welt, giving insights into our lives as gay men, as a couple, and queer LGBTQ+ communities
GERMANY: The first LGBTQ+ Travel Book Couple of Men – Ein Männerpaar reist um die Welt, giving insights into our lives as gay men, as a couple, and queer LGBTQ+ communities
WORLDWIDE: Exuberant people celebrating on the street, colorful costumes, kisses, and holding hands and above all the rainbow flag blows. However, it has not always been that easy for the LGBTQ+ community…
MOLDOVA: How safe and enjoyable is the life of the LGBTQ+ community in the Eastern European country? Sarah attended an online event organized to answer these questions…
UKRAINE: Sarah learned about the situation of the LGBTQ+ community in the Eastern European country at an online event organized specifically for activists and journalists.
Love, our world needs more love. For us, Valentine’s Day on February 14th is the best day to remember how important it is to show your love to the people you hold most dear. It is about love for another human being and to accept, to respect and to embrace its uniqueness. We are happy to share some of our gay love moments from our travels with you on a day that is made for love, romance and time together. If you don’t have a present for your girlfriend, boyfriend or simply the person you love, just give him or her a kiss. In our eyes, a love-kiss is the best way of sharing affection to someone on the most intimate way. Why cannot be every day as full of love as Valentine’s Day? Our plan for 2017: bring equal love to the world and celebrate it every possible moment. See you around the world and don’t forget to travel with us on Instagram #coupleofmen. Enjoy our Valentine’s Day Gay Kisses #lovewins ❤️
HOME: Today, I am 36 years old living together with the man of my life and our tomcat in Amsterdam. I am having a rainbow family with two children together with three wonderful human beings. My parents are proud of who I am, they love and appreciate my partner and support me in anything I am doing. But it wasn’t always like that.
CAMBODIA: Additionally to the two genders, male and female, Cambodia’s national language Khmer also knows the third gender kteuy, describing a person who has the physical characteristics of one gender but the behavior of the other.
MYANMAR: …or Burma, still one of the most conservative countries in Southeast Asia, is also the country where life is anything but easy for LGBTQ+ people
LEBANON: The country has a reputation in the Middle East for being the most liberal of all countries when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community in general.
HOME: For a long time, I’ve been struggling with what’s the best and safest way to share our rainbow family happiness with you and the world.