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Love Beyond Borders | PlanetRomeo Gay Couple Love Stories

Love Beyond Borders | PlanetRomeo Gay Couple Love Stories

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[edgtf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#3f6557″ background_color=””]L[/edgtf_dropcaps]ove Story of three Gay Couples: “Love Beyond Borders” – An extraordinary love between two human beings needs an extraordinary love story. And some really good storytellers, of course. But before we start to tell you a story of three couples, imagine the following scenario: you and the person you love are separated by several time zones, thousands of kilometers, a couple of countries and oceans, permanently. The only thing how you two can be in contact is to chat via apps, Skype, and, of course, to travel. But despite the distance between you and your love, the only thing that really matters to you is that you are in love.

PlanetRomeo, one of the best-known Gay Dating Apps initiated this summer 2017 the love beyond borders project. Therefore, three couples of men have been selected out of over 2.000 love stories from PlanetRomeo members in 138 different countries to be reunified in the Dutch capital Amsterdam, our home city. Melvic and Valdis, Marco and Luiz, Breno and Bence – those are the names of the chosen Romeos, each couple with an own love story brought together for love. Enjoy the videos of the three gay couples from Asia, Europe, and South America and see the world once again through a couple of men‘s eyes. #LOVEBEYONDBORDERS

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The Love Beyond Borders – Project

The love between two beings, straight or LGBTQ+, knows no borders. It is about feeling better, safe, loved and appreciated by the most important person in life. But what if the chosen one, a Romeo, lives at the end of the earth? You must have to be flexible, imaginative and full of trust. If you think, this is an exceptional circumstance should reconsider: a lot of couples are facing the problem of a long distance relationship, whether they like it or not. To give some of those Romeos apart from each other a very special gift of love, PlanetRomeo initiated in 2017 the #lovebeyondborders project. The team located in Amsterdam received more than 2.000 applications coming from 138 countries from all around the world send in by gay men who found love. Three couples have been chosen to show you how how they actually met and how love in distance is possible.

PlanetRomeo Love Story: “Love Beyond Borders”

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Melvic & Valdis – Philipines loves Latvia

Melvic lives in the Philippines while Valdis comes from the Eastern European country Latvia. And still the two guys are in a lasting and strong relationship. They try to share their lives online in happiness, sadness and grieve whenever it is possible. But it all started with a message.

Watch their reunion-video and you will see how much is keeping them together.

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Marco & Luiz – Italy loves Brazil

It was love on first sight, the two guys have to admit. And not even the 8.000 km distance in between the Italian Marco and his Brazilian boyfriend Luiz can stop them from being in love with each other. They don’t wanna waste time in thinking about the past, but enjoying the present looking forward to the future together.

When watching the two guy’s video and you can see how madly in love they are with each other.

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Bence & Breno – Hungary loves Brazil

Sometimes a sparkle of a moment can change the future no matter how big the distance might be. Bence from Hungary and Breno from Brazil felt in love after meeting each other for the first time during an underground party in Budapest after chatting with each other for 60 days.

As a gay couple they are going together through thick and sin, when they realized one day that they were in love.

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Love beyond borders – it is possible

This project is very special to us. You might not know it yet, but our relationship started almost 5 years ago as a distance relationship between Amsterdam and Berlin. True that it is not the biggest distance we had to overcome during the first half year before Karl moved to Amsterdam to be with Daan. But still, any distance is a just a gap too big. We are living together for over 4 years now, and we are seriously happy to not have to plan and wait until we see each other again. We can just wake up arm in arm every morning like a couple of men should do it. But of course, we have sometimes a temporary distance between us because of traveling, family or work reasons. Still, it feels different since we know it is only temporary. We wish everyone living apart not having the luxury of just moving together like we Europeans can do within the EU, as much love, patience and pleasant anticipation as possible. Because in the end, love always wins.


Map of all messages for "Love Beyond Borders" project by PlanetRomeo

Map of all messages for “Love Beyond Borders” project by PlanetRomeo

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Our Gay Trips for Pride all over the World:

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Gay Travel News on a map


Gay Traveling with Gay Dating Apps & Chats

A big part of our travels is to get in contact with some locals, that can show us around can give some tips about the local gay community. Therefore, gay (dating) apps are the best way of approaching gay men from all over the world. We are using different apps for getting in touch with locals like PlanetRomeo, Grindr, Scruff or Hornet. But every country is different. What are your tips for getting in touch with locals gay men while traveling?

Stay tuned for recent developments in same-sex marriage around the world on FacebookTwitterYoutube, and Instagram. See you next time in Australia or somewhere around an equal, rainbow-colored and free world!

Karl & Daan.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][vc_column_text]

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