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[edgtf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#3f6557″ background_color=””]T[/edgtf_dropcaps]he 9th edition of the Goldelsen-Cup Berlin Gay Lesbian Volleyball Tournament 2017 – It is time to kick-off our Gay Sports articles on our blog with this year’s Goldelsen Cup in Berlin! The 9th edition of the annual International Gay and Lesbian Volleyball Tournament in Berlin is considered to be one of the biggest European LGBTQ+ Sports Tournaments taking place at the end of November in the German capital. As chance would have it, Karl is a passionate Volleyball player who started his Volleyball career at the age of 12. After he came out of the closet, Karl decided to join the International Gay-Lesbian Volleyball League playing in tournaments all around the world with his Teams from SSL Vorspiel Berlin and SLS “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V..
In 2017, we as gay travel blogger decided to make our gay sports travel part of our gay couple travel blog for you to experience a totally different, most of the times unknown sports world. Therefore, we will show you the international tournaments like the OutGames, GayGames, and, of course, EuroGames and the hosting cities. It will be a great start to show you the Gay & Lesbian Sports Events in Karl’s German hometown and give you some tips for a city trip to Berlin. Because one of the best reasons to travel for equality (additional to Gay Pride Trips) is for gay sports all around the world! Join us in Berlin on our Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter and see the Gay and Lesbian Sports Event in Germany through a couple of men‘s eyes!
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Gay Travel Berlin Goldelsen-Cup Volleyball Tournament 2008 to 2017
The first time ever, the Goldelsen Cup Berlin was held in 2008 and was ever since one of the biggest Gay Volleyball Tournaments of its kind, with an extraordinarily high amount of Lesbian Volleyball Teams with more than 3.500 participants coming from over 16 different nationalities. This year, 44 teams in total will fight to win a small “Goldelse” trophy, a small version of the gold-plated figure of Victoria on top of the Berlin Victory Column. The 32 men teams and 12 women teams with around 300 players have their homes in 7 European countries, starting with Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, and Switzerland. The LGBTQ+ tournament the Goldelsen-Cup Berlin organized by the Berlin Sports Clubs SSL Vorspiel Berlin and Seitenwechsel marks the annual climax of the season and is a weekend where sports friends from all over the world reunite to compete on the Volleyball courts.

Karl as setter with his lucky number 99 | Goldelsen-Cup Berlin Gay Lesbian Volleyball Tournament © Coupleofmen.com
Official Program of Goldelsen-Cup Berlin 2017:
To provide you with all the necessary information for the International Gay and Lesbian Volleyball Tournament 2017, we talked with Carsten Grohne, board member of the Goldelsen Cup Berlin committee and the organizing team.
Friday, November 3rd, 2017 – Check-in
Before the tournament begins, everyone is invited to register on Friday, November 3rd between 6 pm and 11 pm at Cafe Ulrichs of Berlin Aids-Hilfe e.V. located at Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Straße 11 in the gay neighborhood Berlin-Schöneberg. It is the time to meet up with team members and all other participants of the tournament, having some drinks before, and planning some tactical details for the games. 😉
Saturday, November 4th, 2017 – Game Day
Volleyball tournament from 9 am to 7 pm
After the hall opening at 9 am, the Volleyball teams will fight for the next rounds until the finals. The gyms will close at around 7 pm depending on the duration of the final games. All details of the fixture schedules will be announced before the first games will begin. During the matches, professional photographers and Daan and me will take pictures and small video clips throughout the whole day. If you don’t wanna be on photos of the tournament, please contact the photographers in the morning right before the tournament will start. The preliminary locations of the tournament (please check again until Saturday morning):
Women Teams & Men Teams Level A Gym of the Margarete-von-Witzleben-Schule at Palisadenstraße
Men Teams Level B+ & B- & C Gym of the Georg-von-Giesche-Oberschule at Münchener Straße
Sports Party Night & Award Ceremony
Who plays hard can party hard! After a day full of sports, the players are invited to have fun in the party capital Berlin. Therefore, the organizing committee of Vorspiel and Seitenwechsel are planning the official party at Silverwings am Tempelhofer Flughafen with the award ceremony of the winning teams of the weekend. Additional to the Volleyball players, the swim teams will join the party since their swimming competition “Goldfish-Cup” will take place that weekend too.
Sunday, November 5th, 2017 – Brunch
If you booked the brunch on Sunday, it will be served at Zollpackhof from 11 am until 3 pm.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][vc_column_text]
Karl and his team from Dresden EuroGames Helsinki 2016:
Karl and his team of friends at Goldelsen Cup Berlin 2012:

Karl and his Team from Vienna at Goldelsen Cup Berlin 2009:
volleyball goldelsen cup berlin 2009
Posted by Karl Krause on Wednesday, 18 November 2009
General Info for players, visitors, spectators:
Everyone is invited to visit the gay and lesbian volleyball matches in one of the locations free of charge. You don’t have to pay an entrance ticket. Notice, that the buffet, drinks, and refreshments are organized for the players and participants, though.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
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About Vorspiel SSL Berlin e.V. – Sports Club for Gays & Lesbian
Berlin’s LGBTQ+ sports club was found in 1986 already. Currently, Vorspiel has more than 1.000 members, 13% of them are women. The sports club offers 30 different sports for lesbian, gay, bi, trans*, inter* or straight people. Major sports are fitness, swimming, and Volleyball. Most of the teams in all sports are participating in all major international Gay and Lesbian Sports Events. Karl was an active member of the gay and lesbian sports club from 2010 until 2013, the year he moved to Amsterdam for Daan.
Websites Vorspiel SSL Berlin e.V.:
– Facebook: facebook.com/vorspielberlin
– Official Website: vorspiel-berlin.de/
– Gay-Lesbian Volleyball League: gayleague.de
– Gay Travel Guide Berlin: coming soon!

Goldelsen-Cup Berlin Gay Lesbian Volleyball Tournament © SSL Vorspiel & Seitenwechsel Berlin
About SLS “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V.
The gay and lesbian sports club was founded in 1994 in the east German city Dresden. The non-profit sports club offers various sports particularly for gay and lesbian sportsmen and women. Currently, the gay and lesbian sports club has active members and training times for Volleyball and Swimming and is participating in all major international Gay and Lesbian Sports Events. Karl is an active member of “Der Bogenschütze Dresden” since his coming out in 2003. Together with his team he is participating regularly in national and international Volleyball competitions.
Websites SLS “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V.:
– Facebook: facebook.com/bogenschuetze
– Official Website: bogenschuetzen-dresden.de
– Gay-Lesbian Volleyball League: gayleague.de
– Gay Travel Guide Dresden: Gay Travel Dresden

Volleyball team and Logo of “Der Bogenschütze” Dresden e.V. © Coupleofmen.com
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Gay Travel Berlin Goldelsen-Cup Volleyball Tournament:
– Facebook: facebook.com/goldelsencupberlin
– Official Website: goldelsen-cup.de
– Gay Travel Germany: Gay Travel Germany
Good to know:
The Goldelsen-Cup Berlin Gay Lesbian Volleyball Tournament is just one of hundreds of LGBTQ+ sports events around the world. Almost every bigger West European and North-American city is organizing and hosting their annual gay sports tournaments. Additional to that, every 4 years the Gay Games (aka Gay Olympics) and the World OutGames taking place in alternating cities. The European LGBTQ+ counterpart event is the EuroGames.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_text_separator title=”” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-paw” i_color=”custom” color=”custom” border_width=”2″ add_icon=”true” i_custom_color=”#3f6557″ accent_color=”#3f6557″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-gay-travel-news”][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”extension-sidebar”][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”booking-com”][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”extension-sidebar”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_content_width=”grid”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][edgtf_blog_slider type=”classic” number_of_visible_items=”3″ set_slide_content_visible=”yes” set_middle_slide_content_visible=”no” space_between_items=”small” order_by=”date” order=”DESC” sticky_posts_location=”top” image_size=”original” content_position=”center” content_width=”” text_elements_skin=”light” title_tag=”h4″ post_info_section=”yes” post_info_author=”no” post_info_date=”no” post_info_category=”no” post_info_comments=”no” post_info_button=”no” slider_autoplay=”yes” slider_loop=”no” navigation=”yes” navigation_type=”boxes-arrows” navigation_skin=”” pagination=”no” category=”germany” number_of_posts=”10″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][vc_column_text]
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