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[edgtf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#3f6557″ background_color=””]S[/edgtf_dropcaps]upport LGBT couple operated travel businesses around the world! Do you still remember MySpace? Well, for some of today’s longterm relationships it was the place to meet likeminded people long before dating apps and even Facebook. It also was the place where the lovely girls from ‘What Wegan did next’ meet each other many years ago. Whitney, a lovely girl from the US-State Kentucky, and Megan from the United Kingdom are a lesbian couple and LGBT entrepreneurs living together with their cute little cat and dog in Windsor, the UK.
You might know them already from YouTube or Instagram as they call themselves luxury travel, fashion & lifestyle social media influencers. We were lucky enough to meet them during our first Stockholm trip and traveling together on different other occasions like for Chicago Pride last summer. Enjoy our story of Whitney and Megan also known as What Wegan did next on Couple of Men and learn more about how the lesbian couple from Windsor is facing the challenge of the Corona crisis together.
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[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”17px”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Support LGBT Businesses[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”17px”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]
Having fun on the road together | A Lesbian Couple Story
Love from Kentucky to Windsor
After we introduced you to our friends and storytellers Maartje and Roxanne from Onceuponajrny earlier during our blog series. Today it is time yet for another couple story from the LGBT community. Whitney and Megan, who met already 12 years ago, are UK based social media influencers focusing on luxury travel, fashion, and lifestyle.
“We are Whitney and Megan aka ‘Wegan’. We are luxury travel, fashion & lifestyle social media influencers (based in Windsor, UK), and we are also wife and wife. We have been together and online for nearly 12 years and conquered long distance from the UK to Hawaii after four years. In fact, we met on Myspace back in 2006! One single click changed our lives when Whitney (a Southern girl, home for Christmas to Kentucky from college in Hawaii) decided to search for British girls on Myspace.”
Their story together started all the way back with a long-distance relationship between the USA and the UK. Naturally, traveling around the world to see each other became a part of their lives. And their story didn’t stop there. In fact, soon the wedding bells should have been ringing…
“We never thought we’d actually get to meet in real life and yet Whitney somehow always knew that she’d marry Megan! We ended up meeting in person in 2008 when Whitney came to study a semester abroad in London. The rest, as they say, is history (or rather a HERstory!) We have always loved traveling as our relationship was based on travel to see one another. We ended up doing four years of long-distance between the UK and Hawaii only three months after we were a couple. We managed to see each other every three months during that time frame, so travel naturally and organically just became part of our lives.”

LGBT friends: We from Couple of Men and Wegan enjoying wine at Mälarpaviljongen.
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Telling their HERstory as a Lesbian Couple
A couple of years later, the girls could finally reunite permanently. But their hunger for traveling the world together as an openly lesbian couple did not stop them. Five years later they made their love for being on the road, in the air, and on the water their profession.
“Whitney ended up moving to the UK permanently (dual citizen now) in 2012 and since then we just kept up the traveling together. It wasn’t until 2017 that we quit our full-time jobs to work for ourselves and being a travel blogger played a massive role in that. In fact, the first thing we did was take a three month trip around America, working with different tourism boards while having our wedding in Palm Springs, California, and honeymoon on Maui.”
The girls of Wegan are really sweet together, not only professionally on their social media channels and their blog. They are so much fun to hang around with. At the same time, they are also advocating for people who are disabled or having a limb difference and are a part of the LGBT community. Currently, they are documenting their difficult path of founding a rainbow family. Karl is supporting them with finding answers to their questions. Meanwhile, his son and daughter are doing fine. More about this part of our story soon in episode two on our blog.

Lesbian Couple Whitney Megan Windsor UK proud to support people who are disabled or having a limb difference
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Gay Travel Guide Sweden
From Stockholm to Malmö and our road trip along the South Swedish coast to Mölle, Helsingborg, and Kivik. Stunning Swedish nature, unforgettable sunsets over the Baltic Sea, and some wonderful unique gay couple operated accommodations. Did we mention the delicious Swedish cuisine and our clothing-optional gay beach?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][edgtf_button type=”outline” size=”medium” text=”Gay Travel Guide Sweden >” target=”_self” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”” link=”https://coupleofmen.com/gay-travel-guide-sweden/” color=”#000000″ hover_color=”#a8d1a1″ border_color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][vc_column_text]
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What about the Couple’s travel plans for 2020?
We were looking so much forward to our next adventure with Wegan scheduled for this April. Together, we planned to attend Pride of the Americas in Fort Lauderdale and spend some sunny days at the beaches of Florida. Honestly, we have no idea when we will travel together again, but there will be a time when traveling is part of our lives again. Besides Florida, Whitney and Megan had already more trips on their bucket list for 2020.
“Well firstly we had planned to travel to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for Pride of the Americas and we were looking forward to getting to hang out with our lovely boys, or should I say Couple of Men! 😉 We were also going to travel to South Carolina, USA to visit Whitney’s mom. However, that trip got postponed to later this year due to coronavirus but we do not know when and if traveling to the USA will be possible and advisable again. Other trips that we were hoping to do this year included Paris, Las Vegas, Alberta (Canada), Italy, San Diego, and Hawaii. As of yet all of our travel plans are on hold until we know what is happening in the next months…”

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Gay City Guide Chicago
Gay Chicago – Our City Guide to Pride and the Gay Neighborhoods. We have finally visited the world-famous city of wind in the American Mid West, Chicago. Especially for Karl a dream came true when we were standing at the shore of the Chicago River in the US-State of Illinois. Plan your trip to Chicago here!
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Everything changed when Corona hit the world…
With all the travel bans and necessary restrictions for traveling for leisure and for work, the unexpected magnitude of the Coronavirus effect has a massive impact on the work and income for content creators from around the world. But one thing we love about Wegan: they are going optimistic and strong into their future together.
“Corona has greatly affected our work and, therefore, our income as our most read content usually is from our travels, due to the amount of content that it requires. Luckily our focus has never solely been on travel as our work is more about lifestyle, fashion, and our home story as well. We have recently signed with a Talent Agency and looking forward to what the future holds, especially after we will overcome the challenges of the current crisis!”
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How to beat the Corona Crisis? Together!
#1 Try to stay at home and keep distance to protect yourself and others
“We’re pretty lucky that we are always together 24/7 and work together, so nothing much in that respect has changed for us. If we weren’t traveling or attending events, then we were mainly working away at home. Some days we wouldn’t even leave the house for days! Knowing that we’re restricted and can’t get away is a strange feeling, but we’re doing our best to stay home and help to save lives and the NHS.”
#2 Try to do things that make you feel good
“Some days are easier than others and if we’re having a bad day, we have decided to eat and drink whatever makes us happy, binge a TV show together, walk our dog to get some fresh air, and just accept the day for what it is.”
#3 Try to stay positive
“We can’t predict what the future holds but we know we’re super lucky to be living together in our beautiful home (that we can’t stop painting) with our fur babies.”
#4 Try to support small business
“There will be a time after all this. But until then, check our blog, like, comment and follow our social media handles and YouTube and spread the word about us and, of course, all the fellow LGBT creatives that are trying to make a change in today’s societies all around the world.”

Facing our future arm-in-arm, because we are stronger together!
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Whitney and Megan and their love for LGBT travel…
Final thoughts of the lesbian couple when the crisis is over: “Where do we want to travel first after the crisis is over? Oh goodness, well, I think firstly we’d love to be reunited with Whitney’s family and friends! It’s so hard when you live in a separate country, not knowing when exactly you’ll get to see each other again.
Hawaii is also such a special place to us (we got engaged there as well) and we can’t wait to get back to the aloha spirit! We also wish we could be back in Stockholm, drink a glass of Rosé in the sun with you, Karl and Daan!”
Where is home?
Windsor, UK, or traveling around the world!
Our blog series: Support LGBT Businesses!
Website: whatwegandidnext.com
Facebook: facebook.com/whatwegandidnext
Instagram: instagram.com/whatwegandidnext
YouTube: youtube.com/whatwegandidnext
Wanna know more about our gay travels around the world? Stay tuned on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. See you again in the US, the UK, and somewhere around the world! Karl & Daan.
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