Queer Amsterdam New LGBTQ Drama Series by BNN – Nine times six minutes queer LGBTQ drama on YouTube! But what is this exploration of the queer universe of Amsterdam about? Heteros, homos, women, men, transgender, and bisexual people, to pigeonhole everyone is the most comfortable way to handle diversity, isn’t it? Well, or is it just the way to show, that actually no one really fits in? The brand new Dutch LGBTQ Drama series tries to insinuate at exactly those weak points of our not always so gay-friendly society and to show these conflicts to a much broader audience outside the LGBTQ community in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Europe and all around the world. Nothing is as easy as a “normality” tries to show. But what is normal in QUEER Amsterdam? And is it important to which gender I am falling in love with or is it the human being itself?
Read More about Now on YouTube: All Episodes of LGBTQ Drama “Queer Amsterdam!”